Park Slope Eye
682 Union St Brooklyn NY 11215 +1 347-560-8393

A Detailed Look at Orthokeratology Hero

A Detailed Look at Orthokeratology

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A Detailed Look at Orthokeratology

Modern technology has paved the way for highly innovative inventions such as corrective eyeglasses and contact lenses. While these devices are undoubtedly groundbreaking, recent technological advances offer more convenient vision correction options. In this article, your eye doctor from Park Slope Eye covers the basics of orthokeratology and why this treatment option is a good […]

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3 Things You Need to Know About Orthokeratology Lenses

The science and development of vision correction has come a long way since the invention of eyeglasses. There are now numerous vision correction options available on the market, and today’s article from your primary eye care provider, Park Slope Eye, is about the basics of this particular type of vision correction. […]

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